الأربعاء، 11 فبراير 2015

زواج الرسول من السيدة عائشة

أم المؤمنين السيدة عائشة "رضى الله عنها"
نعم الرسول دخل بامي عائشة وهي بسن تسع سنوات فهل من معترض ؟!!

وهنا أوضح ما يجهله الجاهلون ويعترضوا عليه  
لكم رد على ما تنقلوه وترددوه كالببغاوات أيها الملاحدة :_

من المنظور العلمى "الطبى":__

1-- أن السن الطبيعى لبدء الدورة يصل إلى 9 سنين
وبدء الدورة هو آخر مرحلة من مراحل البلوغ لدى النساء .
نقلاً عن :-
2-- دراسة أمريكية أُجريت على أسباب تقدم سن البلوغ لدى ***الفتيات فى دراسة حديثة تمت بواسطة مكتب إعدادت الشبكة :_ .
قُدِم دليل على أن الفتيات فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وخاصةً فتيات العرق الأسود.
******يبدأ البلوغ عندهن فى سن مبكرة على عكس ما وجدته الدراسات السابقة ولكن أسباب هذا لم تكن معروفة .
ولأن الحالة الغذائية عُرِفت بأنها تؤثر على توقيت البلوغ وهناك إتجاه واضح يشير إلى زيادة السِمنة فى أطفال الولايات المتحدة فى خلال الخمسة وعشرون سنة الماضية .
أُفترِض أن السن المبكرة للبلوغ قد تكون مرتبطة بزيادة الوزن فى الفتيات الصغيرات.
وفى هذه الدراسة تم مقارنة وزن الجسم بالنسبة لظهور الصفات الثانوية الأنثوية فى الفتيات البالغات بظهور الصفات الثانوية فى الفتيات اللائى لم يبلغن بعد ، معتمدين فى ذلك السن والعرق .
3-- كما تقول الدكتورة "دوشني" -وهي طبيبة أمريكية-: _
"إن الفتاة البيضاء في أمريكا قد تبدأ في البلوغ عند السابعة أو الثامنة، والفتاة ذات الأصل الإفريقي عند السادسة. ومن الثابت طبيًّا أيضًا أن أول حيضة والمعروفة باسم (المينارك menarche) تقع بين سن التاسعة والخامسة عشرة".
فى المناطق الحارة يكون سن البلوغ أسرع .

4-- دراسة أمريكية آخرى أظهرت التبكير فى سن البلوغ لدى فتيات أمريكا إلى سن تسع سنوات:_
و في دراسه تمت عام 1997 للدكتور هيرمان غيدينز وآخرون أوضحت أنه الفتيات الصغيرات في الولايات المتحدة خاصة الفتيات من العرق الأسود واللاتي يبدوعليهن مظاهر البلوغ مبكرا علي عكس ما تعودت الفتيات العاديات .
و تم عمل البحث بمساعدة أطباء مختصين من المؤسسه الأمريكيه السابق ذكرها حيث تم حصر النمو في الصفات الثانويه الأنثويه عند 17 ألف فتاه أعمارهم ما بين 6 :12 عام و أثبتت أن متوسط سن النمو الكامل للثدي – و الذي كان في الدراسات السابقه 11 عام- أصبح الأن 10 سنوات لفتيات العرق الأبيض و9سنوات لفتيات العرق الأسود .
ان الفتيات من العرق الأبيض او الأسود الزائدات في الوزن اكثر عرضه لأظهار علامات البلوغ . و لابد من أخذ هذا بعين الاعتبار .
إعتراف واضح وصريح غير قابل للتأويل بأن التى تبلغ وهى فى سن التاسعة من عمرها فهذا أمر طبيعى ، وإلا كان تم التوصية بتحويل الفتاة التى تبلغ فى سن التاسعة إلى طبيب ، ولكن لم يتم التوصية بذلك ، فهذا دليل على أن التى تبلغ فى التاسعة أمرها طبيعى .
5-- بعض الإضافات من مواقع أجنبية تؤكد أن سن البلوغ يُمكن أن يبدأ من عمر الثامنة أو أقل
مصدر أخر :_

6- الطب اتبت بلوغ النساء المحيض و سنهن 9 سنوات و هس ظاهرة منتشرة في أمريكا مع العلم ان الظروف الطبيعية التي عاشت فيها عائشة كانت افضل من اليوم
7--  علامات البلوغ في الفتيات فهي الآتي كما ذكرها مرجع طبوزاده لأمراض النساء Toppozada's Textbook of Gynaecology
1. تغير الصوت نحو الطبيعة الأنثوية .
2. استدارة منحنيات الجسم فتأخذ زوايا الجسم تدورات لطيفة بسبب الترسيب الإنتقائي للدهون .
3. نمو الحلمتين و الثديين بتأثير هرمون الإستروجين .
4. وجود بعض الميول النفسية مثل الخجل و الإنعزال و الميل للجنس الآخر .
5. النمو السريع للرحم و المهبل و باقي الأعضاء الجنسية .
6. ظهور أول حيضة .

فالحيض - في الحقيقة - يتأخر عن البلوغ و لا يحدد بدايته ، بل بدايته تكون قبل أول حيضة بعامين تقريبًا ..   وقد نبه الله عزوجل لهذا
في سورة الطلاق {واللائي لم يحضن} .. قال الطبري رحمه الله: “ تأويل الآية: { واللائي يئسن من المحيض… فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر واللائي لم يحضن} يقول: وكذلك عدة اللائي لم يحضن من الجواري لصغرهن إذا طلقهن أزواجهن بعد الدخول (14/142) " ومثله قال ابن كثير ( 4/402)، والقرطبي (18/165) وغيرهما. .
وهذا كله يؤكده مواقع كثيرة منها :_
مواقع أجنبية تؤكد أن سن البلوغ يُمكن أن يبدأ من عمر الثامنة أو أقل:
some girls start puberty at age 8, and others may start as late as 13 or 14. Each girl goes at her own pace. So don't think you're weird if you start puberty a little earlier or a little later than your friends.
menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious.
sources: هنا :_
موقع اخر :_
موقع أخر :_
8--   الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 7 إلى 11. هم يكتسبون قدرات الحفظ (عدد والمساحة والحجم، والتوجه) وعكس. تفكيرهم هو أكثر تنظيما وعقلانية.
9--  موقع الاكاديمية الامريكية لطب الاطفال:

لكن هل من دليل مادى فعلاً لحالة إنجاب لفتاة فى سن التاسعة من عمرها ؟:-

بالطبع يوجد لدينا الدليل على ذلك ، ومن جاء بكلام مخالفاً لما أتينا به فعليه أن يأتى بالدليل - وبالطبع لن يستطيع -
لأن الدليل الآن هو حالة إنجاب لفتاة تبلغ من العمر تسعة أعوام أنجبت طفلة فى ريودى جانيرو عاصمة البرازيل.
وهذا نقلاً عن موقع Fox News.com من خلال البحث فى موقع CNN
وإليكم نتيجة البحث فى موقع CNN
وإليكم الخبر من خلال موقع Fox News.com
من الثابت طبياً أن أول حيضة تبدأ بعد بدء مرحلة البلوغ بسنتين . فأول حيضة و المعروفة باسم المينارك menarche فتقع بين سن التاسعة و الخامسة عشر .
من تايلاند تزوجت في الثامنة من عمرها وانجبت وصارت اما في التاسعة من عمرها
فما العجب في ذلك ؟!!!!!!!!!!!!!

هم يعلمون تماما ان ذلك ممكن ولا عجب ولكنه والحقد الاعمي والكراهية..
انها رغبة في داخلهم للنقد فقط ومحاولة التشويه والتشويش ليس اكثر
اليك هذا
فتاة تزوجت وعاشت حياة زوجية كريمة وسعيدة ولم تصدر منها شكوي واحدة بل علي العكس كانت تعبر عن سعادتها بهذه الزيجة بين الحين والاخر
وتجد في تعبيراتها امارات السعادة والغبطةكولومبية تلد عن عمر عشر سنوات


تم الرد *علميا * على افتراءات الملاحدة فى زواج الرسول_صلى الله عليه وسلم_ من السيدة عائشة _رضى الله عنها_
واليكم هذا أيضا من منظور مختلف:_

1 - تزوج الرسول –صلى الله عليه وسلم- بعائشة، وهي بنت ست أو سبع سنوات، ودخل بها وهي بنت تسع سنوات، ففي الصحيحين -واللفظ لمسلم-: بنت ثمان عشرة عن الأسود عن عائشة قالت: «تزوجها رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، وهي بنت ست، وبنى بها، وهي بنت تسع، ومات عنها وهي »،
فلماذا انتظر ثلاث سنوات كاملة ليدخل بها؟؟
2-- أنّ السيدة عائشة رضي الله عنها كانت قبل ذلك مخطوبة ل*جبير بن المطعم بن عدي*، فهي ناضجة من حيث الأنوثة مكتملة بدليل خطبتها قبل حديث خولة.
من أكثر خوفا على الأبنة ؟ أليست الأم ؟! طبعا الأم ولا أحد يستطيع انكار هذا .......
*********تأمل *********
كذلك نجد أن السيدة " أم رومان " والدة عائشة ، كان اغتباطها شديدا عندما فسخت خطبة عائشة من "جبير بن المطعم " كما طارت بها الفرحة،لما علمت أن رسول الله قبل زواجها ، وقالت لأبي بكر: " هذه ابنتك عائشة ، قد أذهب الله من طريقها جبيرا وأهل جبير. فآدفعها إلى رسول الله ، تلق الخير والبركة
لاحظ الآتى:__
****إن الأم حين تطلب لفتاتها الزواج ، تكون أعرف الناس بعلامات النضج في ابنتها
فكلام الملاحدة "وغيرهم" عن زواج النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم من السيدة عائشة و هي في سن السادسة و أنه بني عليها في التاسعة و أخذه علي أنه شبهة هو محض تدليس فالفتاة عادة تبدأ سن البلوغ في سن الثامنة أو التاسعة بظهور علامات البلوغ المعتبرة عند أهل الطب و في هذا السن يمكن الدخول بها بلا مشاكل طبية أو نفسية من أي نوع .
اذا فمن وجهة نظر الطب ليس هناك مشكلة في زواج الفتاة في هذا السن الذي هو حسب الظروف المعيشية تكون ناضجة بما فيه الكفاية لمتطلبات الزواج.
3-- عن يحيى بن عبد الرحمن بن حاطب ، قال : قالت عائشة رضي الله عنها : " لما ماتت خديجة جاءت خولة بنت حكيم إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت : ألا تزوج ؟
قال : ومن ؟
قالت : إن شئت بكرا وإن شئت ثيبا .
قال : من البكر ومن الثيب ؟
فقالت : أما البكر فعائشة ابنة أحب خلق الله إليك . وأما الثيب فسودة بنت زمعة ، قد آمنت بك واتبعتك.........
تأمل الآتى:______
أن خولة حين قدمت عائشة مع سودة لرسول الله . كانت تعتقد أن كلتيهما تصلح للزواج من رسول الله ، وكانت عائشة بكرا ، وسودة ثيبا متقدمة في السن ، فبمجرد العرض على رسول الله بهذه الصورة - عرض زوجتين إحداهها متقدمة في السن وكانت تحت رجل آخر، والثانية كانت بكرا - مجرد هذا العرض - يدل عل أن خولة بنت حكيم - نفسها- تشعر بأن كلتيهما صالحة تماما لأن تكون زوجة . ومعنى ذلك أن عائشة كانت في نمائها ونضوجها ، واضحة معالم الأنوثة في نظر خولة على الأقل ، وهي العارفة بمآرب الرجال في النساء .
4-- لمن يقول أنها أجبرت على الزواج ؟!!
زوجات النبي كانت لهن الحرية المطلقة في الإختيار ، فعن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت : (( لما ُأمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بتخيير أزواجه بدأ بي فقال : إني ذاكر لكِ أمراً فلا عليكِ أن تعجلي حتى تستأمري أبويكِ ثم قال : إن الله جل ثناؤه قال : { يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُل لِّأَزْوَاجِكَ إِن كُنتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا وَزِينَتَهَا فَتَعَالَيْنَ أُمَتِّعْكُنَّ وَأُسَرِّحْكُنَّ سَرَاحًا جَمِيلًا {33/28} وَإِن كُنتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَالدَّارَ الْآخِرَةَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ أَعَدَّ لِلْمُحْسِنَاتِ مِنكُنَّ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا {33/29}}
قالت ؛ فقلت : أفي هذا أستأمر أبوي ؟ فإني أريد الله ورسوله والدار الآخرة .
قالت : ثم فعل أزواج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مثل ما فعلت)) ... أخرجه البخاري 4785 ومسلم 1475/22
تقول السيده عائشه تزوجني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في شوال . وبنى بي في شوال . فأي نساء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان أحظى عنده مني ؟ قال : وكانت عائشة تستحب أن تدخل نساءها في شوال .
الراوي: عائشة المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم: 1423
خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح
السيدة عائشة تفتخر على النساء جميعا لأن الرسول بنى بها في شوال فهل هذا الحب والغيرة والاعتزاز برسول الله ينم انها كانت مكرهة او متعبه؟؟؟؟؟؟

لكن هل هناك من تقرير يفيد بان هذا الزواج كان شئ عاديا؟؟؟؟
نعم و حتي في 2012 هناك زواج صغير السن 9 10 11 سنه
في أوروبا و امريكا الجنوبيه
و هذا البلاد الراقيه يالهول^_^
فضل أم المؤمنين السيدة عائشة (رضى الله عنها)

قال عطاء - رضي الله عنه -: (كانت عائشة أفقه الناس، وأعلم الناس، وأحسن الناس رأيًا)
أهم الأسباب التي ساعدت أم المؤمنين على اكتساب هذا العلم ما يلي:

1- الذكاء وقوة الحفظ: امتازت أم المؤمنين - رضي الله عنها - بالذكاء الوقاد، وقوة الحفظ والاستذكار مما ساعدتها - بفضل الله - على حفظ كتاب الله تعالى وأحاديث رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وفقههما.

2- علمها بالعربية وفنونها وأشعارها: وقد كانت رضي الله عنها عالمة بالعربية وفروعها وأشعار العرب ونوادرهم، فصيحة اللسان مما ساعدها على فهم القرآن وتفسيره وقد تعلمت من والدها الصديق البلاغة والفصاحة فقد كان الصديق علامة العرب في ذلك

3- نشأتها في بيت النبوة: نشأت السيدة عائشة - رضي الله عنها في بيت النبوة فشاهدت أحوال النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - واطلعت على أخباره فتعلمت حكمته وكل شؤونه وخاصة ما يتعلق بأحكام النساء.

4- حرص النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - على تعليمها: كان رسول الله  - صلى الله عليه وسلم - حريصاً على تعليمها لما لمسه من ذكاء وفطنة، فكان عليه الصلاة والسلام يحدثها ويفقهها بالدين.

5- نزول الوحي في فراشها: فإنه لم ينزل على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الوحي في فراش امرأة سواها رضي الله تعالى عنها

مصدر:_  المستدرك على الصحيحين، ج4/15.
قال الزُّهريُّ: لو جُمِع عِلمُ عائشة إلى عِلمِ جميعِ النساء، لكان علمُ عائشةَ أفْضلَ
مصدر:_  سير أعلام النبلاء (2/141
عطاء بن أبي رباح يقول : " كانت عائشة أفقه الناس ، وأعلم الناس ، وأحسن الناس رأياً في العامة " .*************
وقال أبو موسى الأشعري : "ما أشكل علينا أمرٌ فسألنا عنه عائشة ، إلا وجدنا عندها فيه علماً " .
وقال مسروق : " رأيت مشيخة أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلَّم الأكابر يسألونها عن الفرائض " ****************..
كما أنَّ الله قد وهَبَها الذكاءَ والفِطنة، وسُرعةَ الحافظة، قال ابن كثير: \"لم يَكُن في الأُممِ مثلُ عائشةَ في حِفْظها وعِلْمها، وفصاحتِها وعَقْلِها\"، ويقول الذهبيُّ: \"أفْقَهُ نِساء الأمَّة على الإطلاق، ولا أعْلمُ في أمَّة محمَّد، بل ولا في النِّساء مطلقًا امرأةً أعلمَ منها\".
وقدْ تجاوز عددُ الأحاديث التي روتْها ألْفَيْن ومائة حديث عن النبيِّ - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - وهي مُشتَهِرة في كُتُب السُّنَّة: البخاري ومسلم، والسُّنن والمسانيد، وغيرها؛ قال الحافظُ الذهبيُّ: مُسْنَد عائشة يبلُغ ألْفَين ومائتين وعشرة أحاديث؛ اتَّفق البخاريُّ ومسلمٌ لها على مائةٍ وأربعةٍ وسبعين حديثًا، وانفرَد البخاريُّ بأربعةٍ وخمسين، وانفرد مسلِمٌ بتِسعة وستِّين
سير أعلام النبلاء (2/139
ويقول عُروةُ بنُ الزُّبَيْر: "ما رأيتُ أحدًا أعلمَ بفِقه، ولا بِطبٍّ ولا بِشِعر من عائشةَ - رضي الله عنها\"، وقال فيها أبو عُمرَ بنُ عبدالبرِّ: "إنَّ عائشةَ كانتْ وحيدةً بعصرها في ثلاثةِ علوم: علم الفقه، وعلم الطب، وعلم الشِّعر".


ألان أيها الملاحدة :_
لماذا لم يأخذ الكفار سواء كفار قريش
أو قبائل العرب
أو الفرس و الروم
أو اليهود
أو نصاري نجران الذين ناظرهم النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم
لماذا لم يذكر أي أحد منهم هذا الأمر و أخذه كدليل علي النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم أبدا
و لم يذكر أي منهم في أي من كتب التاريخ سواء صحيحة أو ضعيفة أنهم اتخذوا هذا الأمر حجة علي النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم مطلقا فلماذا ؟؟؟؟

شاهد هذا :_

ونظرة تاريخية للموضوع :_

نرى هنا فى :_ 
قصة حضارة لديورانت يقول :_  (((" وكانت حياة المرأة العربية قبل أيام النبي تنتقل من حب الرجل لها حبًا يقترب من العبادة إلى الكدح طوال ما بقي من حياتها، ولم تتغير هذه الحياة فيما بعد إلا قليلًا. وكان في وسع أبيها أن يئدها حين مولدها إذا رغب في هذا، فإن لم يفعل فلا أقل من أن يحزن لمولدها، ويواري وجهه خجلًا من الناس، لأنه يحس لسبب ما أن جهوده قد ذهبت أدراج الرياح، وكانت طفولتها الجذابة تستحوذ على قلبه بضع سنين، ولكنها
حين تبلغ السنة السابعة أو الثامنة من عمرها كانت تُزوج لأي شاب من شبان القبيلة يرضى والده أن يؤدي للعروس ثمنها (مهرها)
<<<<وينتقل ديورانت في نفس الموسوعة (جزء 13 ص 138 وعلى الإنترنت ص 4569) :
" وكانت شؤون الزواج يتولاها الآباء، كما يتولونها في معظم البلاد المتمدنة، فقد كان من حق الوالد أن
يزوج ابنته لمن أراده هو لها قبل أن تبلغ سن الرشد؛ أما بعد هذه السنين فكان لها أن تختار. وكانت البنات
يُـزوجن في العادة قبيل سن الثانية عشرة، ويصبحن أمهات في الثالثة عشرة أو الرابعة عشرة، ومنهن مَن <<<<<كن يتزوجن في سن التاسعة أو العاشرة "
قال الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله - وهو من أعلام القرن الثاني الهجري كما هو معروف - :
" رأيت باليمن بنات تسع يحضن كثيرا " !!!..   مصدر:_  سير أعلام النبلاء 10/91 ...

وقال أيضا ًرحمه الله :
" رأيت بصنعاء جدة : ابنة إحدى وعشرين سنة !!..
حاضت (أي تلك الجدة وهي ) : بنت تسع !!.. وولدت : ابنت عشر !!..
وحاضت البنت : ابنة تسع !!.. وولدت : ابنة عشر " !!!..
 مصدر:_ سنن البيهقي الكبرى 1/139 .
ويروي لنا ابن الجوزي رحمه الله قصة مشابهة لذلك : عن ابن عقيل وابن عباد بن عباد المهلبي قال :
" أدركت فينا – يعني قومه المهالبة – امرأة :
صارت جدة : وهي بنت ثمان عشر سنة !!!..
ولدت (أي تلك الجدة) : لتسع سنين ابنة !!!..
فولدت ابنتها : لتسع سنين ابنة !!!!..
فصارت هي جدة : وهي ابنة ثمان عشر سنة " !!..
تحقيق في أحاديث الخلافة 2/267 ..


وألان مع أدلة عن زواج الكثير فى مثل هذا السن

هذا فيديو توثيقى لزواج الأوروبيين في سن 9 سنوات مثل النبي..

وهذا تاريخ أقل سن للزواج في العالم الغربي وحتى وقت قريب

حيث يقول الكاتب كيف أن القانون العام الذي اعتمدت عليه أمريكا : كان يعد أقل
سن لقبول الممارسة الجنسية - زنا أو زواج - كان هو 10 سنوات !!.. ولم يكن يعتبر ممارسة
الجنس بدءً من هذا السن : جريمة اغتصاب أو تحرش جنسي بالأطفال

هنا أيضا :_
بنت بعمر 9 سنوات حبلى إستلمت الإجهاض في عيادة خاصّة

 وهنا ولكن الأمر أكبر قليلا فهذه فى عمر خمس سنوات
http://www.tt5.com/news/spain-10-years-old-mother-world.html   بعمر 10 سنوات فى الأندلس تضع طفلا
http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2013/02/08/265106.html  فتاة مكسيكية تضع بنت وهى فى عمر 9 سنوات

ونظرة على الملاحدة :_
** ملحدون يريدون ممارسة الجنس مع القاصر :_

ويقيموا دعوة قانونية للدفاع عن هذا "ممارسةالجنس مع القاصر:_

ولا يستطيعون اثبات أن ممارسة الجنس مع القاصر قد تؤذيها:_

ريتشارد دوكينز :_
في لقاء له مع صحيفة التايمز أن ريتشارد دوكنز لا يرى بأساً بالجنس مع الأطفال " Pedophilia "مستدلاً بتجربته الشخصية مع مدير مدرسته عندما كان صغيراً لما سحبه على ركبتيه ( أي المدير ) ومن ثم قام بإدخال يده داخل بنطاله الصغير على أن الألم لا يستمر ويرى أن الفاعل لا يجب أن يدان .. وضرب مثال أيضاً بضرب الأطفال ..

وأخيرا :_ مع قائمة كبيرة بأمهات صغيرات السن فى مختلف أنحاء العالم :_

May 14, 1939
5 years,
7 months
Lina Medina, from the Ticrapo District of Peru, gave birth by cesarean section in Lima at age 12. The infant was a 2.64 kg (5.8 lb), 47.5 cm (18.7 in) boy named Gerardo. Medina's parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital in late March, where she was found to be 7 months pregnant. By interrogating her parents, the doctors understood that Medina had entered into precocious puberty (when hormone glands are activated earlier than normal) very early after her birth.[1][2][3][4][5] Although Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse, he was later released due to lack of evidence, and the baby's biological father was never identified.[1][4]

Age 6 [edit]

Age of mother
August 19, 1934
Yelizaveta "Liza" Gryshchenko
(Елизавета "Лиза" Грищенко)
6 years
Her 69-year-old grandfather
(now   Ukraine)
Yelizaveta "Liza" Gryshchenko, who had celebrated her 6th birthday several days earlier, gave birth with the aid of forceps and retractors in Kharkov, Ukraine, after being impregnated by her 69-year-old maternal grandfather, a former sailor. Gryshchenko's parents did not want the obstetricians to perform a cesarean section, as it was considered dangerous at the time. The 3 kg (6.6 lb), 52 cm (20 in) infant girl died during labor due to an early placental tear; she had been born at full term and apparently of good constitution, and, according to doctors, would have survived if she had been extracted more quickly, reanimated, and oxygenated. After the incident, the family emigrated to Vladivostok, taking the girl's grandfather with them.[6]
June 7, 1932
6 years,
7 months
The 6-year-old known only as "H." gave birth by cesarean section to a girl weighing 4.19 lb (1.90 kg) at Victoria Zanana Hospital in Delhi. She was initially admitted for what was thought to be an abdominal tumor, as she complained of localized pain in her lower abdomen. Her father said she was 7, but civic records gave her birth date as October 11, 1925, making her 6 years and 7 months old at the time of labor. She had never menstruated and her breasts were still far from being fully developed, yet she was able to breastfeed her child for 9 months.[7]

Age 8 [edit]

Age of mother
December 5, 1759
Anna Mummenthaler
8 years,
9 months
A relative of her parents
Anna Mummenthaler of Lauperswil, Canton of Bern gave birth to a stillborn girl when she was 8 years old.[8]
December 1884
8 years,
4 months
Chief Akkiri
Mum-Zi was a member of Chief Akkiri's harem on the island of Calabar. Her daughter also gave birth extremely early, making Mum-Zi a grandmother at age 17.[9][10]
August 1893
8 years,
8 months
A relative or familiar of Chief Akkiri
Zi, Mum-Zi's daughter, became a mother at the age of 8 years 8 months.[9][10]
August 1933
8 years
Her husband[note 1]
An unidentified 8-year-old girl in Kashmir reportedly died in labor along with her child. The girl's mother, a destitute widow, said she had been forced to accept an offer of marriage for her daughter.[11]
September 13, 1936
Griseldina Acuña
8 years,
2 months
A family friend
Griseldina Acuña of San Zenón, Magdalena Department, gave birth to a boy weighing 5 lb (2.3 kg). She was reported to have begun menstruating at age 3.[12]
December 2, 1957
Hilda Trujillo
8 years,
7 months
Her 22-year-old cousin
Hilda Trujillo gave birth to a girl named María del Rosario, who was over 6 lb (2.7 kg), at a hospital in Lima.[1] Contrary to what was reported in Time on December 16, 1957 and many other sources, she was not 9 years old, but rather one year younger.[13] Her orphaned cousin had been staying in her family's one-room residence when he raped her; he was later arrested.
January 12, 1993
Zulma Guadalupe Morales
8 years
Her uncle
Zulma Guadalupe Morales, raped by her uncle,[14] gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 7.04 lb (3.19 kg) at a hospital in Guadalajara, Jalisco.[15]
April 2000
Anna "Anya"
Анна "Аня"
8 years,
7 months
Her 13-year-old neighbor
(separatist state
Anya had reached puberty at 7 and was abused by her 13-year-old neighbor. She gave birth in Rostov-on-Don to a girl.[16]
September 9, 2004
8 years,
9 months
A 32-year-old client from prostitution
Admitted to hospital in Bogota on September 9, 2004 for severe abdominal cramps and nausea, an 8-year-old girl was found to be 8 months pregnant. She underwent an emergency cesarean section and gave birth to a boy. An inquiry showed that she had been prostituted by her parents and had been impregnated by a 32-year-old regular customer. The clinical analysis also revealed she had been forced to continue prostituting herself until her sixth month of pregnancy.[citation needed]
October 11, 2004
8 years,
5 months
The 32-year-old employee of the neighborhood pharmacy
An unidentified girl's pregnancy was revealed by a policeman who became suspicious in early September 2004 when he noticed the girl's swollen abdomen and thought she was a drug smuggler. After the girl had X-rays done, the officer told her mother that the girl was pregnant; the hospital confirmed she was at her 32nd week of pregnancy. The girl revealed that she had been raped by an employee at the pharmacy in Ciudad Bolívar when she had gone to fetch her sick mother's medicine. She gave birth at the Meissen Hospital.[17]

Age 9 [edit]

Age of mother
March 1881
9 years,
7 months
A close relative
Henry Dodd of Rillington, Yorkshire reportedly delivered a baby weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) to a nine-year-old girl in 1881. The baby was stated to have only three toes on its left foot and to have died ofconvulsions sometime after birth. The girl reportedly began menstruating at twelve months old.[18][19]
March 16, 1908
Estelle P.
9 years
Dr. V. I. Pittman of Cadaretta, Mississippi reported to have delivered a boy weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) to nine-year-old Estelle P.[20] [21]
August 28, 1957
9 years,
5 months
A girl gave birth to a premature boy weighing 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) at the University of Arkansas Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.[22]
March 28, 1966
9 years
A nine-year-old from Brakpan, South Africa gave birth by cesarean section to a baby at a hospital 30 miles (48 km) east of Johannesburg.[23]
October 18, 1967
María Eulalia Allende
9 years
Ernesto Allende, her cousin in his early 20s
María Eulalia Allende, from a village in northern Córdoba Province, gave birth to a boy weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) at a hospital in the city of Córdoba.[24][25] Ernesto Allende, the alleged father, disappeared two months before the birth and was sought by police.
December 5, 1968
9 years
A farm boy from her village
A girl from Cachari gave birth to a baby weighing 5 lb (2.3 kg) at a hospital in Azul, Buenos Aires Province.[26] The young father reportedly offered to marry the girl, but her parents refused to give their consent.
June 11, 1971
9 years
Her father, who was reportedly sought by police
A 9-year-old girl from the El Porvenir neighborhood of Lima gave birth to a boy weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) at a hospital in the same city.[27]
July 10, 1980
Venesia Xoagus
9 years
Venesia Xoagus, a Damara girl, gave birth by cesarean section to a healthy 3 kg (6.6 lb) boy at a hospital in Otjiwarongo.[28][29][30]
March 25, 1986
Maria Eliane Jesus Mascarenhas
9 years,
5 months
Cosme Primo dos Santos, her 16-year-old nephew by adoption
Maria Eliane Jesus Mascarenhas, an orphaned girl adopted by rural farm workers after her mother died in childbirth, gave birth by cesarean section to a 7 lb (3.2 kg) girl named Diane inJequié.[31][32]
April 1986
9 years
An unidentified girl delivered a daughter at Kenyatta Hospital in Nairobi.[33]
March 12, 1990
9 years
A 9-year-old girl gave birth by cesarean section to a boy at a clinic in Afyonkarahisar.[34]
November 1994
Leyla M.
9 years
A client from prostitution or one of her relatives who raped her
According to information gathered by Amnesty International Leyla M., from Arak, Iran, had been prostituted by her mother starting from the age of 8, and clients included relatives,[35] She had three children, the first at the of age 9 and then twins at age 14.[36] At age 19 (and with the mental age of 8), she was condemned and faced the death penalty for the "moral offenses" of debauchery, incest, and illegitimate motherhood.
February 26, 2001
Wanwisa Janmuk
9 years
Her 27-year-old husband[note 2]
Wanwisa Janmuk, legally married at 8, gave birth to a girl when she was 9 at a hospital in Phetchabun.[37]
April 1, 2003
9 years,
3 months
Her stepfather (allegedly)
María, from Candelaria de la Frontera, gave birth by cesarean section to a boy she named José Manuel. María stepfather is the alleged father, as she has claimed that he had repeatedly raped her.[38][39]
March 1, 2004
9 years
A student at her school
A Singaporean girl gave birth to a boy after being impregnated by a fellow student at her school. Her mother initially thought she had a urinary tract infection, but upon taking her to the doctor, learned she was already six months pregnant. The baby was placed up for adoption.[40]
December 25, 2004
9 years,
11 months
A teenager in her neighborhood
A girl from Medellin, Antioquia, born in early January 1995, gave birth to a premature baby by cesarean section on Christmas Day 2004, at 9 years and 11 months. She had been described as flippant and disobedient, sleeping out regularly and hanging around the streets in bad company. She left school after only three years, much to the dismay of her 36-year-old mother. The girl became pregnant by a neighborhood teen whose identity she swore to protect. She again fell pregnant at the age of 10 12, this time by a man in his forties who had helped her in her early motherhood. On February 10, 2006, she gave birth to her second child at the age of 11 years and 1 month. Social services and her mother considered it preferable to place her in a home for teen mothers, where she would be supervised and monitored until age 18.[41][42]
December 2005
9 years
Emmanuel Mbazumutima, the family's houseboy
Raped by her parents' houseboy, an unidentified girl gave birth to a boy by cesarean section at a hospital in Butare, Rwanda. The girl underwent breast development at age six and menarche at age eight.[43]
July 7, 2006
9 years
A girl of the Apurinã, an indigenous people from the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, gave birth to a girl weighing nearly 2.2 kg (4.9 lb) by cesarean section at a hospital in Manaus.[44][45]
December 2, 2006
Nuvia V. T.
9 years
Avilio Arostica Berrospi, her 28-year-old cousin[46]
A girl from Huánuco, Peru gave birth to a 2.5 kg (5.5 lb), 47 cm (19 in) boy via cesarean at a hospital in Lima on her ninth birthday.[47][48] She became pregnant after being raped by two of her cousins, one 17 years old and the other 28; Avilio, 28, identified as the father using DNA testing.[49]
March 20, 2007
9 years
The local media reported that a 9-year-old gave birth in Barangaly Turo, Bocaue, just one week before an 11-year old gave birth in the same district.[50]
May 3, 2007
9 years,
8 months
Andrés Gabriel Gabriel, her 57-year-old father
In La Esperanza, the daughter of Andrés Gabriel Gabriel and María Valentina Lorenzo became pregnant at age 9 after having been abused by her father since the age of 6. Upon discovering the pregnancy, Lorenzo tried to persuade her to tell to the authorities that she was 13 years old rather than 12, and that her father was actually her stepfather. The young girl gave birth to a daughter by cesarean section in Tegucigalpa.[51]
July 27, 2008
9 years,
8 months
Alexis Rigoberto Morazán Raudales, her 32-year-old stepfather
A girl from San Pedro Sula was raped repeatedly by her stepfather from the age of 8, and became pregnant in December 2007, shortly after her ninth birthday. In early June, the girl was hospitalized for nausea and vomiting, and doctors were surprised to find she was 6 months pregnant. She gave birth to a son in late July 2008.[52] The stepfather was arrested and the mother is being sought,[timeframe?] as police claim she knew that Morazán Raudales raped her daughter but did nothing to prevent it, instead threatening her. The girl was placed in care[clarification needed]with her baby.
November 2008
9 years
Her 31-year-old neighbor who regularly accompanied her to school
A girl from the campaigns[clarification needed] surrounding Bucaramanga, Colombia, gave birth to a boy in mid-November 2008 via cesarean section at age 9. A doctor from the Child Welfare' Health Department had discovered in mid-August that she was 5 months pregnant. The girl implicated her 31-year-old neighbor, who regularly accompanied her via deserted trails to her rural school where she was in 5th grade. She stated that he had thrown her to the ground in the forest in mid-March and raped her.[53]
January 27, 2010
9 years
Unknown, though her father is suspected of raping her
A girl from Songyuan, China gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 6 lb (2.7 kg) at a hospital in Changchun. Circumstances surrounding the girl's pregnancy are not clearly known, and her parents sought legal help once it was discovered.[54][55][56]
May 15, 2010
9 years
Her lover, a 14-year-old neighbor
A 9-year-old Chinese girl from Penang, Malaysia gave birth to a healthy boy. No police report was made by the parents, who knew that the father was their 14-year-old neighbor whom their daughter loved.[57][58]
October 1, 2010
F. ("Zeina") G.
9 years,
11 months
S.D., the uncle of her grandmother's tenant
The orphan girl "Zeina", from a neighborhood in Dakar, Senegal and brought up by her grandmother, was raped by the almost 60-year-old uncle of the latter's tenant. Noting the absence of her menstruations and her weight gain, her grandmother and her aunt became aware of her pregnancy in June, when she was 5 months pregnant. Zeina gave birth by cesarean section at the Grand Yoff Hospital,[59] to a daughter she rejected and refused to breastfeed.[60]
January 27, 2013
9 years
Dr. Enrique Rabago, director of the Zoquipan Hospital, reported the girl and baby daughter were healthy and had returned home after receiving a Caesarean section. Dafne is one of 11 children and lives in Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos. The 17-year-old father and Dafne were dating. A search for the baby’s 17-year-old father, who may be criminally charged for having a sexual relationship with the young girl, was underway.[61] She was reportedly sterilized shortly after the birth.[62] However, questions have emerged about her true age, as she appeared to be around 15. The father may have been Dafne's 44 year old step-father[63]

Age 10 [edit]

Age of mother
April 20, 1834
Sally Deweese
10 years
Sally Deweese of Butler County, Kentucky was reported by Dr. D. Rowlett to have delivered a girl weighing 7.75 pounds (3.52 kg). Deweese allegedly developed breasts within weeks of birth and began menstruating at 12 months.[64]
February 1, 1858
Elizabeth Drayton
10 years,
8 months
Her aunt's nephew, reported to be 15–17 years old
Elizabeth Drayton of Taunton, Massachusetts was reported to have given birth naturally to a boy weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) after having been in labor for two or three days.[65]
10 years,
9 months
Her husband
A Jewish girl from Damascus, via hereditary precocious pregnancy pre-menarche, gave birth to a daughter at 10 years and 9 months in 1861, then became a grandmother at just 21 when her child in turn gave birth at 10 years and 3 months in 1871.
10 years,
3 months
Her husband
A Jewish girl from Damascus, whose mother gave birth to her at 10 years of age, also gave birth when she was 10, making her mother a grandmother at the age of 21.
April 1873
10 years,
6 months
"A native gentleman"
In an account published in 1873, C. MacNamara described having been called in early spring to examine a baby boy in Calcutta, who had reportedly been born to a 10-year-old girl.[66]
September 10, 1895
Annie H.
10 years,
1 month
Her 56-year-old father
Annie H., born in Bland County, Virginia, gave birth to a baby weighing 5 lb (2.3 kg). As the girl had undeveloped breasts and could not produce milk, her mother, who had given birth to a child herself a few months prior, nursed the girl's baby for the week it lived. Annie H. was stated to have started menstruating regularly at age five.[67]
December 13, 1905
Sallie Ellison
10 years,
2 months
Sallie Ellison gave birth to a baby weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) at the age of 10 years, 2 months in Bristol, Virginia.[68]
April 9, 1910
Annie Epps
10 years
Annie Epps of Chicago gave birth to a girl weighing 6 lb (2.7 kg) at the county hospital in 1910.[69][70]
July 30, 1922
Elizabeth Irwin
10 years
Rev. L. W. Irwin, her stepfather, charged with contributing to her delinquency[71]
Elizabeth Irwin of Hardin County, Ohio gave birth to a boy weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) in 1922.[71][72] Reverend Irwin reportedly prayed for the salvation of the jury that later convicted him.[73]
February 1923
Mary Cavender
10 years
Willie Larue, the 26-year-old son of the girl's foster parents
Mary Cavender of Hidalgo County, Texas gave birth to a boy weighing 4.5 lb (2.0 kg) in 1923.[74][75][76] Admitting his paternity, Willie Larue was charged with having "improper relations" with Cavender and sentenced to 15 years in prison.[77]
April 4, 1930
Evilan Johnson
10 years
Evilan Johnson gave birth to a baby weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) at a hospital in Yazoo City, Mississippi in 1930.[78]
October 10, 1939
María Justina Lez
10 years
Her boyfriend
María Justina Lez of Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina gave birth to a girl at San Roque Hospital in 1939. The child's father reportedly petitioned for the right to marry the mother, as marriage was forbidden to girls under 13 years of age.[79]
January 10, 1944
10 years
A girl gave birth naturally to a daughter weighing 8.5 lb (3.9 kg) at a hospital in Monahans, Texas in 1944.[80][81]
March 3, 1949
10 years
A girl gave birth to a daughter weighing 7.3 lb (3.3 kg) at a hospital in Wilmington, Delaware in 1949.[82]
May 20, 1949
10 years,
7 months
A girl gave birth to a boy weighing 7.8 lb (3.5 kg) at Barber Hospital in Butler, Alabama in 1949.[83]
May 25, 1950
Sarah Moore
10 years,
7 months
Sarah Moore gave birth prematurely to a girl in Charleston, Mississippi in 1950.[84]
June 21, 1950
10 years
A girl gave birth to a baby boy weighing 6.5 lb (2.9 kg) at a hospital in Omaha, Nebraska in 1950.[85]
July 13, 1951
10 years
A girl gave birth to a boy weighing 7.19 lb (3.26 kg) in Picayune, Mississippi; the girl's mother was 23 at the time.[86]
June 14, 1953
10 years
A 50-year-old man who lived in the same apartment building as her foster parents.
A girl gave birth to a daughter weighing 5.94 lb (2.69 kg) at a home for unwed mothers in Youngstown, Ohio in 1953.[87][88]
November 30, 1954
Felicia Delgado Gomez
10 years
Felicia Delgado Gomez gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 5.75 lb (2.61 kg) at a hospital in Limón, Costa Rica, in 1954.[89][90]
August 3, 1956
10 years
Her 18-year-old brother, who was arrested
A girl from Spartanburg County, South Carolina gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 6 lb (2.7 kg) in the city of Spartanburg.[91]
January 22, 1958
10 years
Her older sister's husband, age 28, was charged[92]
A girl gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 7 lb (3.2 kg) at a hospital in San Francisco.[93]
February 6, 1964
María Sanchez Gonzalez
10 years
María Sanchez Gonzalez of Colonia MorelosMexico City gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 5.5 lb (2.5 kg).[94]
February 12, 1964
10 years,
4 months[95]
A 16-year-old boy, her foster family's son
A 10-year-old gave birth by cesarean section to a daughter weighing 5.94 lb (2.69 kg) at a hospital in Chicago.[96]
September 17, 1967
Hortensia Gomez Juan
10 years
Her family's neighbor for whom the girl worked as a servant; he was arrested for rape
Hortensia Gomez Juan gave birth to a boy weighing 4.44 lb (2.01 kg) in Xalapa, Mexico in 1967.[97][not in citation given]
November 29, 1968
10 years
In 1968, a 10-year-old gave birth by cesarean section in Antwerp, Belgium.[98]
July 1969
10 years
A girl gave birth naturally to a boy weighing 5.63 lb (2.55 kg) at Alexandria Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia on July 29, 1969.[99]
August 14, 1971
Mirta Fontora
10 years
Mirta Fontora, a girl from Pilar Partido, Argentina, gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 6.5 lb (2.9 kg) at a hospital in Pilar.[100][101]
May 1975
10 years
An anonymous girl who gave birth at age 10 in Finland became the country's youngest mother.[102]
May 25, 1979
10 years
A girl age 10 gave birth six weeks premature to twin girls, both weighing 3.38 lb (1.53 kg), by induced labor at a hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is thought to have been the youngest mother of twins in U.S. history at the time.[103]
July 7, 1982
10 years
A girl age 10 from a rural town in eastern Texas gave birth to a premature baby girl, weighing 4.5 lb (2.0 kg), at Hermann Hospital in Houston. All other details were withheld by request.[104][105]
April 5, 1984
10 years,
8 months
The girl's uncle and the husband of one of her babysitters were both charged with molesting her
A 10-year-old gave birth naturally to a 6.25 lb (2.83 kg) baby girl in Chicago.[95][106] The girl, who had not known she was pregnant, went to St. Anthony Hospital on April 4 seeking treatment for abdominal pain, and was transferred to the high-risk maternity unit at Cook County Hospital the next day.[95] The girl's uncle and her babysitter's husband were accused of raping her: the uncle admitted to doing so six times, but the babysitter's husband denied the allegations and passed a polygraph.[107]
April 5, 1996
10 years
A neighbor who raped her
In 1996, a 10-year-old gave birth by cesarean section in Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso.[108]
July 1998
10 years,
5 months
Paul Narvios, the 50-year-old companion of her mother
Taking advantage of his relationship with her mother that lasted a few months between late 1997 and early 1998, Paul Narvios, 50, abused the girl 19 times when she was between 12and 10 years old. She exposed him and gave birth in San Mateo County, California. Narvios was sentenced by DNA evidence on September 8, 1999 to thirty-one years in prison, including a twenty-six years security, and $40,000 fine, with prohibition with re-approaching mother, daughter, and baby.[109]
September 25, 2000
10 years
Her 28-year-old brother, who was arrested on a charge of rape
(originally from
A girl from Bolivia gave birth to a daughter weighing 2.5 kilograms (5.5 lb) by cesarean section at a hospital in Parque Patricios. Buenos Aires.[110][111]
September 23, 2002
10 years
A 38-year-old man, the brother of girl's mother's boyfriend, was arrested
A 10-year-old gave birth to a boy weighing 4 lb (1.8 kg) in Saint Lucia.[112]
November 2, 2003
Samantha Goodman
10 years,
9 months
An Indian schoolfriend, allegedly 10 years old, though most likely 12
Samantha Goodman, 10 ⁄4 years old, from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, gave birth in Materdei Hospital to a 6 lb (2.7 kg) girl, who was named Courtney. When Goodman was 16, she explained in detail what had happened six years earlier: "At a party at a friend early 2003, playing hide and seek, we slipped into the family's library, where we took a book for adults and laughed on the picture of a guy with his sex in a girl's one, and we thought it would be funny that we were trying to do it... We did it! It was funny! A few months later, my mother noticed that my belly had grown enormously. Driving me so urgently to the doctor, she was shocked to discover I was pregnant. Very devout, it was out of question for her I abort... At the idea of giving birth, I was very scared, but, ultimately, it was less painful than when I broke my arm!"[113]
November 13, 2003
10 years
A girl from Monzón District, Peru gave birth by cesarean section to a baby weighing over 3 kg (6.6 lb) at Hermilio Valdizán Hospital in Huánuco.[114]
January 7, 2004
10 years
The 29-year-old boyfriend of her 21-year-old sister
A 10-year-old gave birth to a baby weighing 3.22 kg (7.1 lb) in Merlo Partido, Argentina.[115]
April 13, 2005
G. R. F.
10 years
Luis Ramos Coral, her 24-year-old stepfather
(originally from
A Bolivian girl living in Calama, Chile, gave birth to a boy by cesarean section at a hospital in Antofagasta. The child became pregnant after having been raped by her stepfather (supposedly her father, purported as in Calama)[clarification needed] at age 9. Her parents, who both came from Colchaca village in Potosí, Bolivia, were jailed.[116][117][118][119]
June 27, 2005
Gladys Chelagat
10 years
The approximately 60-year-old caregiver who had nurtured her since her earliest childhood
Gladys Chelagat from Kericho, Rift Valley Province gave birth to a boy weighing 6.17 lb (2.80 kg) by cesarean section at a district hospital.[120]
August 28, 2005
10 years
Unknown; her stepfather and her brother were suspected
(originally from
A young girl gave birth to a daughter at a hospital in Sion, Switzerland. She had immigrated from Cameroon to Martigny, then Sierre, Switzerland, with her siblings after her mother married a Swiss citizen. A 68-year-old man who was in a relationship with the mother admitted to having molested the girl but a DNA test found that he was not the father of the girl's child.[121][122][123]
April 3, 2006
Monserrat Alvarado Gómez
10 years,
6 months
Juan Ruelas Martínez, her family's 47-year-old neighbor
Monserrat Alvarado Gómez of Jaral del Progreso, Guanajuato born on September 16, 1995, gave birth naturally to a girl weighing 2.3 kilograms (5.1 lb) whom, she named Marisol. Ruelas Martínez, her neighbor, was sentenced to 11 12 years in prison for raping her.[124][125]
April 2006
10 years
William Edward Ronca, her 26-year-old stepfather who raped her
A young girl in Abbeville, South Carolina gave birth by cesarean section. The baby was placed up for adoption.[126] Ronca admitted to having molested the girl over a two-year period and was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
April 2006
10 years,
9 months
Julián Andrés H. López, the 30-year-old Colombian boyfriend of her babysitter, who was arrested
(originally from
A Colombian girl gave birth to a daughter in Ourense, Spain. She had been raped by the babysitter's boyfriend while her mother, a widowed and destitute immigrant, prostituted herself in a brothel in Santiago, north of Ourense, to earn money to feed her.[127]
June 14, 2006
10 years
In 2006, a 10-year-old gave birth by cesarean section to a baby in Marechal Deodoro, Brazil.[128]
July 2006
10 years
Her 13-year-old boyfriend
A girl from Montigny-le-Tilleul gave birth in 2006 to a child fathered by her boyfriend and schoolmate. After she had begun gaining weight, her mother put her on a diet, but when the girl visited a doctor, it was discovered that she was nine months pregnant. News of the birth did not become publicly known until 2007.[129]
August 14, 2006
10 years,
5 months
Her father
A young girl, born on March 5, 1996, had menstruated since age 8 and became pregnant by her father from a rape in November 2005, which happened on a day when she was sick and stayed at home with him. She gave birth to her daughter by cesarean section on August 14, 2006, and the father was sent to prison.[130]
October 20, 2006
10 years,
10 months
Francisco das Chagas, her 26-year-old boyfriend
N., daughter of Francisca Ferreira dos Santos and born on December 12, 1995, gave birth by cesarean section to a baby girl at São Camilo de Itapipoca hospital in Itapipoca, Brazil. Francisco das Chagas de Lima, her boyfriend, was also her 14-year-old sister's ex-boyfriend.[131][132]
July 2, 2007
10 years
Noé Velásquez Velásquez, her parents' 65-year-old landlord
In 2007, 10-year-old Lucila of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, Oaxaca gave birth to a boy.[133][134][135][136] Noé Velásquez Velásquez, the landlord of the house her parents rented, was jailed.
November 9, 2007
10 years
Alejandro Torres, her 22-year-old cousin
Originally from the rural island region of El Tortuguero, the poorest part of Nicaragua, 10-year-old "Evita" gave birth by cesarean section in Managua after spending two months in Bluefields. Four months earlier, her mother had summoned a campaign doctor to their farm to examine her daughter's inflated abdomen; the doctor found that she was 5 months pregnant. A few weeks later, her mother revealed to the press that Evita had been raped by her 22-year-old cousin Alejandro.[137]
February 29, 2008
Rosa "Rosita"
10 years,
8 months
Carmen Aguilar, her 33-year-old stepfather
Rosa ("the other Rosita"),[note 3] born June 25, 1997 in San Miguelito, Rio San Juan Department, gave birth to a boy by cesarean section at 12 months of pregnancy at the Bertha Calderón Hospital in Managua. Sexually assaulted since age 8 by her stepfather Carmen, she never experienced menstruation, as she became pregnant at her first ovulation. Her stepfather would beat and whip her to subdue her. Her pregnancy was discovered by chance at 12 months, during a tour of rural medical for the poor in early December 2007.[138]
April 28, 2008
10 years
Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, her 37-year-old stepfather
Isabel Chasearez's 10-year-old daughter, from St. Anthony, Idaho, gave birth by cesarean section to a girl weighing approximately 6 lb (2.7 kg) at Madison Memorial Hospital inRexburg after having been raped by Chasearez's boyfriend.[not in citation given] The man, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, was jailed on one felony count of rape with impregnation; Chasearez was jailed as well for failing to provide proper prenatal care.[139][140]
March 18, 2009
10 years
Fede Datilus, a 33-year-old sex offender
(originally from
The 10-year-old Haitian girl of Lantana, Florida, became pregnant from rape at the age of 9. Her father learned of her pregnancy only when he took her to the clinic when she sufferedlabor contractions on March 18, 2009. The same day, she gave birth naturally to a full-term boy. Reluctantly, she exposed Datilus to investigators who interviewed her through a Haitian Creole interpreter (she spoke only little English, having arrived illegally in the U.S. only 30 months before). She confided that she had been afraid that she and her father would be deported to Haiti – a threat used by her attacker. Datilus was sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a minor under 12 years, to which 5 years for impregnating her was added.[141]
April 2009
10 years,
9 months
Flávio de Oliveira, her 24-year-old stepfather
A 10-year-old girl from Lagoa Grande, Minas Gerais gave birth to a boy by cesarean section in late April 2009. The director of her school learned of the girl's pregnancy on March 20 after hearing about it in playground discussions among children. The director alerted the judicial and medical-social authorities, and immediately took her to the clinic, where her condition was confirmed: the girl was almost 8 months pregnant, though it was not visible on her. That evening, she exposed her stepfather, who was arrested as he tried to escape to Gurupi in Tocantins, 470 miles (760 km) to the north, and jailed. He impregnated her in late July 2008, four months after he started abusing her in late March.[142][143]
June 8, 2009
10 years
Her stepfather
A girl from Mitchell's Plain township, southeast of Cape Town, had been raped by her 21-year-old uncle. She became convinced that she was in love with him and that he was the father of her child.[144] However, DNA evidence proved the father to be her 25-year-old stepfather, who had sexually assaulted her as well. The girl gave birth to a daughter on June 8, 2009.[citation needed]
December 14, 2009
10 years
A man in his mid-30s
A girl from Mountainside, Jamaica gave birth to a baby girl who died three weeks later.[145]
January 4, 2010
M. P.
10 years
Her 15-year-old brother
M.P., from El Torno, Bolivia, gave birth by cesarean section to a girl weighing 2.3 kg (5.1 lb) at the Instituto Maternológico Percy Boland in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.[146] She had been raped by her brothers ages 15, 17, and 19; the youngest one was her child's biological father.[147]
May 2010
10 years
Unknown; thought to be her second child's father, a 46-year-old mason
The father of a 10-year-old girl's first baby was not originally known, but when the same girl from Cabezas came back to Percy Boland Hospital, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, at age 12 to give birth again, authorities succeeded to get her to talk. They apprehended a 49-year-old mason, confirmed father of the second baby and suspected of the first. He was sentenced for rape and impregnation of a minor. It is suspected that the girl was a prostitute and had been pimped to him by her family.[148]
May 2010
M. L. Ch. R.
10 years
Her father
The 10-year-old, initials M. L. Ch. R., from Zanja Honda, Tarija, gave birth to a 3.5 kg (7.7 lb) girl by cesarean section at the Percy Boland Maternity after allegedly being raped by a 49-year-old mason. 15 months after her first child was born, she became pregnant with a son, claiming this time was from a young man named Armando.[149][150] After her second child was born on May 7, 2012, she disappeared, and her mother admitted that both of her daughter's children were from her biological father, who had raped her since she was 8.[151]
July 12, 2010
10 years,
7 months
Her 12- or 13-years-old boyfriend
The girl, from a village near Kazan, Russia, menstruated early and become pregnant shortly before she was 10, gave birth one month prematurely to a girl in Kazan.[152]
August 19, 2010
10 years
Her 27-year-old father
A 10-year-old girl, known in the media as "Camille", gave birth to a boy in Cotabato City; she had been raped since age 8 by her father, who was unemployed and often drunk.[153][154]
October 26, 2010
Elena Chiritescu
10 years,
6 months
Gheorghe Mecic, her 13-year-old cousin and ex-fiance
(originally from
Elena Chiritescu, a Roma girl, gave birth to a 6.4 lb (2.9 kg) girl named Nicoletta Narcissa at a hospital in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.[155][156][157]
October 29, 2010
10 years
Her 24-year-old distant cousin
A girl of the Wiwa people gave birth by cesarean section at San Rafael Hospital in San Juan del Cesar. She had been raped at home in late January by her 24-year-old distant cousin, while her mother, Sebastiana María Nieves, was absent for ten days at her sick mother's bedside.[158]
November 10, 2010
10 years
Her father
A girl gave birth to a boy weighing 2.3 kg (5.1 lb) at the Percy Boland maternity ward in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.[159]
January 19, 2011
Paulina A.
10 years
Paulina A., a Guaraní girl from Puerto Leoni, gave birth by cesarean section to a boy weighing 3.1 kg (6.8 lb) at a hospital in Posadas. Although her personal documentation gave her age as 10, it was suspected that she was older.[160] She refused to name the baby's father, but her friends claimed it her secret 15-year-old boyfriend.
June 4, 2011
Thuli Shaka
10 years,
6 months
A 10-year-old student of the Vulindlela Primary School in Soweto gave birth to a boy via cesarean section.[citation needed]
October 22, 2011
10 years,
10 months
Alberto Hernández Loeza, her 28-year-old stepfather
A 10-year-old girl from the community of San Francisco Totimehuacan gave birth by cesarean section to a premature boy weighing 3.3 lb (1.5 kg) in Puebla.[161] She initially stated that the father was a "graying gringo with a sombrero";[162] however, her mother revealed during police interviews that the biological father was the girl's stepfather, who had raped her.[163]
January 24, 2012
Laura Marina Villanueva[not in citation given]
10 years,
7 months
Gaudencio Castañeda Pulido, her elder sister's 45-year-old partner
Laura Marina Villanueva, from Santa Marta, Peru, was raped three times by her older sister's 45-year-old companion, a former soldier and her neighbor, just before her birthday on June 24. Her pregnancy was discovered in late September, at 19 weeks, by chance after she was admitted for a snake bite. The father, Gaudencio Castañeda Pulido, has been on the run when the discovery was reported in the media and continued threatening to kill the girl and her mother, Nidia Villanueva Tolentino. On January 24, 2012, she delivered a 2.21 kilograms (4.9 lb) boy by cesarean section, whom she named Justin, after singer Justin Bieber. Castañeda Pulido, who had previously impregnated the girl's then-15-year-old sister, was sentenced to 35 years in jail.[164][165]
March 29, 2012
10 years
Unknown; a 15-year-old associate of the girl is suspected
A girl of the Wayuu people gave birth to a 2.6 kg (5.7 lb), 47 cm (19 in) girl by cesarean section at a clinic in Riohacha. She rejected her daughter and refused to breastfeed her.[166][167][168][169][170]
May 2012
10 years,
9 months
Antônio Lisboa Filho, her 28-year-old father
In late December 2011, Antônio Lisboa Filho, age 28, discovered that his ten-and-a-half-year-old daughter, whom he had been raping regularly since she was eight, was 4 months pregnant. He fled from Coroatá, Maranhão with his wife Maria Alves Conceição and their other children, abandoning the girl with her maternal grandmother. Francisca Maria Conceição, the grandmother, alerted authorities of the rape and the parents' subsequent escape. As the pregnancy had advanced past the legal cut-off date for abortions, the girl delivered the baby via cesarean section in early May 2012, a month before term.[171] According to police testimony, the man is also suspected of raping the girl's 8-year-old sister.[172]
May 11, 2012
10 years,
11 months
Her 15-year-old distant cousin
The girl, from San Miguel, Argentina, was admitted to the Vidal hospital in Criientes in early March 2012 after complaining of stomach pains and a swollen stomach. After an ultrasound the doctors realized that she was 26 weeks pregnant. The young girl stated that she had been raped by a 15-year-old distant cousin in late August 2011, who has since been prosecuted. She gave birth one month before term by cesarean section to a 2.420 kg (5.34 lb), 45 cm (18 in) girl, who was named Tatiana and placed in an incubator and on a drip-feed.[173]

Notes [edit]

1.        ^ Girls in India can customarily be married after reaching puberty.
2.        ^ Thai law allows for the marriage of minors arranged by their parents.
3.        ^ Rosa had been dubbed "the other Rosita" by the press in reference to the famous Rosa V. Reyes Fletes, another young Nicaraguan girl, born in late August 1993, who lived with her family in Costa Rica. In early 2003, she aborted her pregnancy at age 12; it was done illegally, as her country prohibited abortion. Her case was later the subject of a documentary by American filmmakers Barbara Attie and Jane Goldwater.

References [edit]

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3.        ^ Bogart, Rachel (20 June 2007). "The Story of Lina Medina, the World's Youngest Mother". Yahoo Voices.
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